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What it looks like:

  • Problems in relationships, not having healthy boundaries, or how to handle conflicts in a healthy way.

  • Can not/will not trust others.

  • Never-ending feelings of anxiety, worry, fear, panic.

  • Wanting to harm yourself, or thoughts of suicide.

  • Isolating yourself.

  • Issues with self-esteem, or generally how you feel about yourself. 

  • Always on guard, listening and waiting for something bad to happen.

  • Escaping through addictive habits: eating, drinking, sex, shopping, medicating, virtual interactions, etc.


What it feels like:

  • Reliving trauma over and over again; you are never safe.

  • Intense thoughts or sensations that are too overwhelming to handle.

  • Panic attacks that feel like a heart attack -sensations in the chest, it's hard to breathe, and there may be an urge to vomit.

  • Self-loathing, you can't feel normal, and you don't fit in.

  • Alone, abandoned, angry, and misunderstood.

  • Powerless and not in control, maybe dependent on others.

  • Like you're still a kid, helpless to stop what's happening.


How therapy can help:

  • The relationship you build with your counselor is unconditional and nonjudgmental, which is a working example of what a healthy relationship can be like.

  • Toxic thinking that fuels the PTSD fire is recognized and replaced with habits to facilitate feelings of safety.

  • Processing memories and sensations of traumatic events lessens their intensity and their influence in day-to-day life.

  • It taps into your strengths to increase feelings of control, empowerment, and self-confidence, and to decrease traumatic feelings of power-lessness, aloneness, and hopelessness. 

If this sounds like your experience,
I am here.

If you are in a crisis or any other person may be in danger - don't use this site.  These resources can provide you with immediate help.

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