What it looks like:
Problems in relationships, not having healthy boundaries, or how to handle conflicts in a healthy way.
Can not/will not trust others.
Never-ending feelings of anxiety, worry, fear, panic.
Wanting to harm yourself, or thoughts of suicide.
Isolating yourself.
Issues with self-esteem, or generally how you feel about yourself.
Always on guard, listening and waiting for something bad to happen.
Escaping through addictive habits: eating, drinking, sex, shopping, medicating, virtual interactions, etc.
What it feels like:
Reliving trauma over and over again; you are never safe.
Intense thoughts or sensations that are too overwhelming to handle.
Panic attacks that feel like a heart attack -sensations in the chest, it's hard to breathe, and there may be an urge to vomit.
Self-loathing, you can't feel normal, and you don't fit in.
Alone, abandoned, angry, and misunderstood.
Powerless and not in control, maybe dependent on others.
Like you're still a kid, helpless to stop what's happening.
How therapy can help:
The relationship you build with your counselor is unconditional and nonjudgmental, which is a working example of what a healthy relationship can be like.
Toxic thinking that fuels the PTSD fire is recognized and replaced with habits to facilitate feelings of safety.
Processing memories and sensations of traumatic events lessens their intensity and their influence in day-to-day life.
It taps into your strengths to increase feelings of control, empowerment, and self-confidence, and to decrease traumatic feelings of power-lessness, aloneness, and hopelessness.
If this sounds like your experience,
I am here.
If you are in a crisis or any other person may be in danger - don't use this site. These resources can provide you with immediate help.